Phase I: Washingshon Dee Shee
I'm sitting outside my dorm on the campus of George Washington University typing away in the swimmy mugginess of a D.C. night. It really is too hot here. The campus is located on the "foggy bottom" stop of the metro. I've been told this refers to its historical topography of swamphood, and judging from the heavy air and the bugs on my computer screen I'm tempted to think its true. After a fantastic farewell dinner with Andrea, Josh and Wendy at Wild Ginger (thanks Richar), I boarded the red-eye to DC. The airline lost my luggage so I spent most of the day being very sweaty and smelly. Feeling much better now, thanks to a shower and a clean shirt from my recently-arrived backpack.
Part of the getting-clean process was shaving the four days of growth I had planned to use as a base. This is going to be a tough project! big ups and respect to all you bearded men (and ladies) out there. Growing a beard is no easy task apparently!
Well, I've got one more paper to write over the next two nights, and this is just simple procrastination. Gotta get at it.