scared thrilled scared thrill scared thrilled

I find most things in life both scary and thrilling. I suppose I should hope it's always this way, but sometimes it feels like an awful lot of work.

Monday, June 26, 2006

The point of no return

Somewhere, somehow, I'd lost this spirit of this blog and its commitment to documenting the growth of my beard. Maybe it was the money, the fine wine and the glory of fame. Or maybe beard's are just itchy and I lacked the willpower. At any rate, I decided recently that I was fast approaching the point of no return, and that if I was going to actually grow a beard I had to commit, dammit, and just let it ride. So, such is the case at this point. I think I'm four days in. I'll let you know how it goes.
And the photo is Iver, Alicia, Linnea and myself dancing in hell.


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